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ejercicios online# cómo se dice «ganar» en inglés

Choose the right answer.

The CEO ___________ a reputation for being extremely demanding


It’ll be hard for you to ___________ a living if you drop out of school


After ___________ a debate on TV, the conservative candidate was on the right track to ___________ the elections


If you keep on working so hard, you will ___________ a promotion


You are more likely to meet Madonna than to ___________ the lottery


The general said: «To ___________ this war we must ___________ territory quickly. Otherwise, we will be ___________ a very powerful enemy»


If our company manages to ___________ that contract, we may ___________ up to five percent more in sales


I think I’ve ___________ some extra pounds after Christmas. I have to start a diet!


After cheating on her, it’ll be hard for you to ___________ her trust again


You should totally treat yourself to that luxurious spa. You ___________ it


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