Los idioms son dichos y refranes, frases hechas como «de tal palo tal astilla» que suben mucho tu nivel de vocabulario y demuestran un conocimiento avanzado de la lengua inglesa que siempre impresiona a los examinadores.
Sin embargo, para clavar un examen de nivel avanzado no deberías aprenderte una lista interminable, que luego se te va a olvidar, vas a mezclar o no vas a usar bien. Te recomiendo que te aprendas unos pocos idioms y que los uses hasta que te acostumbres a ellos y pasen a ser parte de tu forma normal de hablar en inglés.
idioms para un writing avanzado
En esta lección, he seleccionado una lista de idioms para writings que son perfectos porque valen como comodín, es decir, que se pueden utilizar con cualquier tema que te plantee el examen. Estos idioms están seleccionados para hacer que writing de B2 empiece a parecerse a un writing de C1 o C2.
Además, puedes usar los mismos para el writing y el speaking 😉.
De los ejemplos que he puesto para cada idiom, el primero es un ejemplo en un inglés informal y el segundo, en inglés formal, para que veas cómo pueden funcionar en cualquier tipo de writing.
Ten en cuenta que el report, el email formal y el essay se escriben en inglés formal y, en general, es más seguro no incluir idioms generales en estos writings.
Sin embargo, puedes incluir los de esta lista perfectamente porque son idioms formales o neutros. En los demás writings, los idioms te ayudarán mucho a mejorar la nota.
on paper
In theory, something that should work but hasn’t been tested for real.
enespañol# sobre el papel |
On paper, Tim is the perfect boyfriend material. But I don’t know, there’s something about his ways that just doesn’t feel right. |
Politicians still believe that we can continue to pollute our planet as we have been doing for the last century. They may be right on paper, but what will our future generations say? |
facts speak for themselves
Something is so clear it doesn’t need further explanations.
enespañol# los hechos hablan por si mismos |
I don’t need to remind you that the problem is still huge. Facts speak for themselves in this case, don’t you think? |
Global warming deniers can hold any position they want to but when it comes to polluting our planet facts speak for themselves. |
speak volumes
Something that is very clear, not needing words to explain it.
enespañol# hablar por si mismo |
When I saw her going through my stuff I knew we had to break up. Such behavior speaks volumes about the way somebody is. |
The way human beings are polluting our very own planet speak volumes about the state of civilization of our species. |
best case scenario
Best possible situation or outcome, what people wished it happened
enespañol# en el mejor de los casos |
Best case scenario, we will be able to go together to the concert but if we can’t, I’ll meet you at the entrance. |
Best case scenario, global temperatures will only rise 1º C by 2050 yet it may be already too much for our civilization to handle. |
Podemos cambiar best por worse para expresar «en el peor de los casos».
Worst case scenario, global temperatures will rise 3º C by 2050 and a large number of flora and fauna will become extinct as a result. |
everyone is entitled to their own opinion
A sentence to express that even though you don’t agree with someone you respect their beliefs.
enespañol# todo el mundo tiene derecho a tener su propia opinión |
There’s no point in criticizing Mary for getting back together with her cheating ex because everyone is entitled to their own opinion, even if they are wrong. |
Some people still deny climate change and they even point it out as an hoax. One may be tempted to call them out but we should accept that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. |
a means to an end
Something usually regardad as unimportant but necessary to achieve an aim.
enespañol# un medio para alcanzar un objetivo |
I’m not really quitting my job but I do want a raise. Telling my boss I’m doing it is just a means to an end. |
Some people may consider gender-neutral language simply a means to an end yet its importance should not be underestimated. |
crystal clear
When something is transparent, easy to understand for anyone.
enespañol# estar clarísimo |
But for her, it was crystal clear that her boyfriend was cheating on her. |
It should already be crystal clear that if we continue polluting at this pace, CO2 levels in our atmosphere will skyrocket until the point of making this planet inhabitable. |
in the long term
Something extends or continues a long time in the future.
enespañol# a largo plazo |
If you cheat on your partner, you are not only harming them but you too in the long term. |
The major challenge of climate change is convincing people of its urgency because its effects are still deemed by many to take place in the long term. |
Podemos sustituir long por short para expresar «a corto plazo».
Although gender equality may be considered a long-term achivement, proper measures and policies should be implemented in the short term. |
más idioms
Además de estos idioms para writings, en idiomium puedes encontrar una sección entera dedicada a los GIROS E IDIOMS EN INGLÉS, esenciales para poder hablar como un nativo.