ejer#4 adverbios — tipos y formación

Fill in the blanks with the appropiate adverb. slowly carefully incorrectly  calmly  hopefully hardly  beautifully  busily   recently  intelligently  luckily probably  completely  easily  deeply  1 I think this form was __________________ filled in. You will have to start over 2 As __________________ as you carried out your task, it doesn’t really mind. In the end it…

ejer#2 Usos del Pasado Simple y Continuo

Put the verb in brackets in the correct time tense. 1 I ________________________ (can not) go anywhere yesterday 2 ________________________ (can) you travel the day before yesterday? 3 She ________________________ (dance) while he ________________________ (sing) a song 4 I ________________________ (have a shower) when the telephone ________________________ (ring) 5 Why ________________________ (drive) you so fast?…

ejer#3 Usos del Pasado Simple y Continuo

Put the verb in brackets in the correct time tense. 1 We ________________________ (go) to the mountains yesterday 2 We ________________________ (chat) together for two hours 3 My husband ________________________ (do the shopping) while I ________________________ (clean) our car 4 My son ________________________ (write) an email to me 5 He ________________________ (come) with me last…