
evid#How hibernation works   The task in this exercise is as simple as what it looks like. Watch the video and answer the questions below. Feel free to say, ask or add anything you deem necessary or interesting.    At the beginning of the video there is a quote using ‘covert’ and ‘overt’. What do…

debate# Basic Terms

 Idea and many resources from: http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Krieger-Debate.html 1. Basic Terms Debate: a game in which two opposing teams make speeches to support their arguments and disagree with those of the other team. Resolution: the opinion about which two teams argue. Affirmative team: agrees with the resolution. Negative team: disagrees with the resolution. Rebuttal: explains why one team disagrees with the other…

Food Safety & GMOs# Lesson

Tanto en las partes de speaking como de writing de los exámenes a partir del nivel B2 los temas relacionados con la alimentación y los alimentos modificados genéticamente suelen caer. En este post aprenderás nociones básicas sobre qué es un GMO o cómo funcionan. Además, aprenderás a debatir sobre alimentación natural y artificial, cuáles son sus beneficios y perjuicios o…